Compulsive Gambling

Compulsive gambling is recognized as an uncontrollable urge to keep gambling despite the consequences it creates in your life. Gambling can stimulate the reward system of the brain, similar to the use of drugs and alcohol. The compulsive gambler continually attempts to chase bets, hide behaviors, deplete savings, accumulate significant debt, and engage fraud and theft to support the addiction.

The following are some of the most common signs and symptoms of compulsive gambling:

  • Experiencing a “high” from taking a larger gambling risk.
  • An overall preoccupation with gambling impairing social, work, and family responsibilities.
  • Using gambling in a self-medicating manner as a way to cope with underlying personal issues.
  • Lying about gambling and concealing whereabouts to “cover‑up” gambling.
  • Experiencing feelings of guilt or remorse after gambling.
  • Regularly borrowing money and/or stealing to gamble.
  • Recurrent unsuccessful efforts to cut back on gambling.

You Deserve the Peace

Compulsive gambling generally progresses over a period of time. Although many people may have the ability to enjoy social gambling, the compulsive gambler may find themselves gambling during periods of stress or depression, experiencing an uncontrollable urge to gamble. In many cases, the compulsive gambler becomes “intoxicated” by the excitement derived from gambling rather than the potential for financial gain.

If your loved one is suffering from symptoms of compulsive gambling, you are encouraged to call Behavioral Help Solutions now for a confidential review of your case at (561) 971-9779.