Anxiety & PTSD

Anxiety is generally recognized as a normal human emotion experienced by most people when faced with a stressful situation. On the other hand, anxiety disorder refers to anxiety, causing a level of distress that impairs an individual's ability to function. Post Traumatic Anxiety Disorder or PTSD is an example of a severe anxiety disorder. It is generally accepted that an anxiety disorder is caused by a combination of factors, such as changes in brain chemistry and environmental stressors, such as trauma.

Call now for a confidential review of your case, (305) 467-8666.

The following is a list of anxiety disorders:

  • Panic Disorder is a condition in which a person experienced feelings of sudden and repeated terror. Symptoms include chest pain, palpitations, sweating, and choking.
  • Social Anxiety Disorder, also known as Social Phobia, is a condition in which a person experiences overwhelming self-consciousness, fear, and worry about being judged by another, leading to ridicule and embarrassment.
  • Specific Phobia is a condition in which a person experiences an intense fear of a particular object or situation.
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a condition in which an individual experiences excessive, recurrent, and unrealistic worry, fear, and tension.

Symptoms of PTSD

  • Shortness of breath.
  • Disturbance of sleep.
  • Palpitations.
  • Cold hands and/or feet.
  • Sweaty hands and/or feet.
  • Feelings of panic and/or fear.
  • Restlessness.
  • Muscle tension.
  • Nausea.
  • Dry mouth
  • Dizziness

If your loved one is suffering from symptoms of anxiety or PTSD, call us now for a confidential review of your case at (305) 467-8666.