Recovery from mental illness and substance abuse does not occur in a vacuum. The process can be as intricate and complex as the disorders themselves. That is why Behavioral Help Solutions provides a complete suite of behavioral healthcare service solutions to help support recovery for all involved by providing professional guidance through the storm.
Call us today for a confidential and caring consultation at: (305) 467-8666

Here To Help
Whether your loved one is treatment-resistant at home, and unwilling to accept help, or they are being held indefinitely under an involuntary court order for care at the local psychiatric facility or county detox center, the situation can be nerve-wracking and emotionally draining for anyone. In many cases, concerned family members and friends feel as though they have to go it alone and make all of the critical decisions without a professional to consult with on the matter at hand.
Similar to a surgeon trying to operate on a loved one, it is almost impossible to keep a steady hand when you are emotionally connected to the outcome of the procedure. That is why we are here to help you break through the bureaucratic red-tape, seemingly impenetrable walls of resistance, and even masterfully manufactured manipulative narratives with dignity and determination.
Call us today for a confidential and caring consultation at: (305) 467-8666